Lesson 5

Savvy Superhero!

Now that we know all about Gender Stereotyping, its time to have some fun!
Your task today is to work in groups of 5 to create a Claymation of a Superhero who squashes Gender Stereotypes.
What does this mean? It means girl superheroes who rescue boys, boy superheroes who's superpower is Irish dancing etc.!

Its time to create a new era of Superheroes!!!

 You will need: Clay, card, markers, glue and other arts and crafts materials for the background, a camera.

Here is a sample claymation which I did before! Enjoy!

If you get stuck don't forget to follow these instructions or ask for my help! :)

It started with a Popplet....

The first activity we did as part of our learning in Gender Equality was to create a Popplet. To finish off this topic, I want you all to create a new Popplet to show your learning. Browse through the other blog pages to remember all the things we did. Remember you can comment on what the other boys and girls in the class have written. These questions should be answered in the Popplet: 

1. What is Gender Equality
2. What is Gender Stereotyping
3. Write about something you learned from this blog
4. What was your favorite activity
5. Name something you will do to ensure Gender Equality in the future

*Don't forget to label what question you are answering in your post!

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***Any final comments are welcome***

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