Lesson 4

Its right to have Rights. 

Talk Partner: This is a poster from the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Read it carefully and talk to you're partner about it. 

Have you ever been denied any of these rights in Ireland?

Do you think all children around the world have these rights?

Because I am a Girl 

Across the world, girls face the double discrimination of their gender and age, leaving them suffering at the bottom of the social ladder. Girls are denied access to health services and education, and also face extremely high levels of violence, abuse, and harassment  Girls in the poorest regions of the world are among the most disadvantaged people on the planet, so no country has ever emerged from poverty without investing in its girls.

Take a look at this video entitled 'Because I am a Girl'. It is a global equality movement which transforms communities in developing countries through empowering girls.


We have now looked at and discussed the Rights of the Child and witnessed that some children experience inequalities in these areas because of their gender.
Your task, with your group members, is to come up with an idea for a pop-up story through 'Zooburst' which focuses on one of the Rights of the child. Just like narrative writing, have a beginning, a middle (where a problem arises), and and end (a solution to the problem). 
Once you have thought up of ideas for a story, we will have a vote to see which story we create together. 

I have started a Zooburst for you to see. It focuses on 'The Right to adequate nutrition and medical care'.

Lets think of a title for our pop up story!

***Don't forget to tell me your thoughts on this lesson!***

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