Lesson 1

What is Gender? 

Think, Pair, Share!

Think about the following questions, discuss with your partner, and share your thoughts with the class on this Popplet!

1. Do you know what Gender means?
2. Do you know what Gender you are?
3. Do boys and girls like the same thing?

*In your Popplet post, label what question you are answering.



Children from around the world!

Read the WALT's and listen to me as I tell you about these children from different parts of the world.

We are going to play a game called the Hula Hoop game. Lets make a list of things we like on the board and I will then explain the rules.

Reflect on the Hula Hoop Game!

Answer these questions on a blank sheet and add to your SPHE file.

All about me

My name is:

My age is:

My favourite colour is:

My hobbies are:

When I am happy I like to:

I think boys are:

I think girls are:

I like being a boy/girl because:

When I grow up I want to be: 

This is a picture of me:

 ***Don't forget to leave a comment :) ***

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